
Galloping Stars RPG - A Pony-Inspired Sci-Fi RPG - Relaunch!

Created by Changeling Games

Galloping Stars is a pony-inspired, sci-fi, tabletop RPG system being developed by Changeling Games. Lay a hoof upon your destiny...

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Update #10 - The Unicorn Race
over 6 years ago – Sun, Sep 02, 2018 at 03:10:48 PM

Hello everybody!

Today we'll be taking a look at the Unicorn race! Because of their magic prowess, you guys get a slight peek at the magic system, but trust me when I say that this will barely only scratch the surface of those mechanics.

The Unicorn Race

First, let's take a look at the Unicorn's race page. As always, this is not necessarily representative of what the final product will be.

Unicorn Race Page (Art by SpiritofthwWolf)
Unicorn Race Page (Art by SpiritofthwWolf)

Unicorns are one of the two races with natural foci and are thus one of the two primary magic users in the system. Where as the Cervidaens are geared towards more deft control of their magic, Unicorns are geared towards more raw power in their spells.

Boosts to their Mana stat from their racial ability, along from race-specific talents they can take later, allow them an additional reserve of Mana to dump into spells. This essentially means they can dump more fuel into the proverbial (though, sometimes literal) fire, allowing them to push any spell they cast to be longer, more powerful, have more range, or simply to be cast more often.

They also have an additional spell slot for prepared spells. Now, we'll go into how this works more in our magic update a little later, but for now here's what you need to know: While the system is an open-ended magic system as far as the spells you can create, characters are limited by having to "prepare" a limited number of spells during long rests (this may get redefined later, but currently this is any period of at least 4 in-game hours).  Essentially, this means that the character has a limited list of spells from which they can cast at any given time, but they can cast these spells as many times as they want as long as their Mana reserves hold out. After a long rest, they are able to redo this list in order to have new spells. This was done as a balancing factor as other systems with open-ended magic systems we've played before often devolved into magic users essentially being a skeleton key for any situation the characters found themselves in. Now, with our system, characters will still have the ability to craft unique and creative spells with an open system. But at the same time they will have to think more carefully about which of those spells they wish to have available to them, and to think creatively about what they can do with the limited spells they have at the time a situation arises.

And finally, the Unicorns have access to a free Telekinesis spell. We'll also look at how this spell works in depth in our update post for the magic system. For now, just know that the Unicorns are capable of manipulating objects with their magic, making them quite versatile in their load out options.

Unicorn Male Sketch (Art by SpiritofthwWolf)
Unicorn Male Sketch (Art by SpiritofthwWolf)

Now, for a bit of lore.

The Unicorns are the minority on Equus. Their make up for their numbers by use of their magic. A Unicorn trained in the art of combat magic makes for a major force multiplier on the battlefield, where as one trained to use their magic for production lines can get the work of multiple ponies done at once.

Their magic has become synonymous with technology, especially now with Arcano Tech (the technology fueled by magic-infused gems) being main-stream across the galaxy. You can bet if a piece of Equus equipment has magic properties, a Unicorn somewhere had a hoof in making it work.

Their powerful magic, in older days, put them toward the top of the societal hierarchy, with many holding noble rankings over the Terrequine and Pegasi peasantry. Over time, as society evolved into what it is today, they are now more often found filling roles as scientists, doctors, and artists. However, those few that have taken up more combat oriented roles are highly prized for their potential as field medics, explosives engineers, technicians, and just plain force multipliers (think heavy machine guns and artillery, just in magic-form).

And, this concludes our look at the Unicorns! Hope you enjoyed, and we'll be looking at the Pegasi in next week's lore update. I know this post is going out a little later than usual, but it won't delay our next mechanics update, so watch for the upcoming first part of our look at the skill list!

We'll see you there!

- Project Lead Spirit

Update #8 - Two Weeks Down, Two to Go!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 12:27:26 AM

Hey everybody!

We've reached the half-way point in the campaign's allotted time frame! We are currently sitting just shy of $6600 as of the time of this post!

We are amazed at how much support you all have given us thus far! And with 2 weeks still left in the campaign, we hope to continue seeing that support grow.

We are currently sitting about $900 away from our next stretch goal at $7500, and I have faith that we can get there by the end of the campaign. Especially if guys continue to help to spread the word!

For now, though, let's keep on rolling! Expect the initial post about the Arachnoids on Tuesday, with the regular Lore update (Unicorns!) being pushed to Wednesday this week. Our mechanics posts about the Skills will be on Thursday and, as this one will be in two parts, either Friday or Saturday.

See you all then!

- Project Lead Spirit

(P.S.: I will be vending my art at Fort Collins Comic Con in Colorado this weekend. If you're in area, feel free to drop by and say hello (look for my booth, where I should have a flyer up for the campaign). I may even be willing to let slip some insider information about the system ahead of the updates if you do...)

Update #9 - A Quick Look at the Arachnoid Race
over 6 years ago – Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 12:23:37 AM

Hello there!

Today we'll be taking a look at the first "stretch" goal reward. While it was unlocked when the campaign was funded, instead of after like most stretch goals, this race was a reward for helping us fund the campaign here.

This will only be a quick look at them, but they'll get a more in-depth update down the road, so rest assured!

The Arachnoid Race (A Brief Look)

Let's start with a basic concept sketch. This sketch only represents the initial concept, we'll get you some full art by the time the deeper dive comes around.

Arachnoid Sketch (Art by SpiritofthwWolf)
Arachnoid Sketch (Art by SpiritofthwWolf)

Now, this image does not show them with manes, but that will likely change in the final art. What do you guys think? Manes or no manes? Let us know in the comments!

So, you all probably wanna get a little bit of lore too, yeah? Well, here's just a little peek:

The Arachnoids come from the same planet as the Cervidaens, deep in the dark reaches of the forests and mountains. 

An uneasy alliance between the two races exists based around trade and the Arachnoid's main product – Blood Silk. We'll go into this more in the deep dive as well, but for now here's a quick overview:

The Arachnoids farm the silk from feral spiders that are about 2/3 the size of a regular pony. These spiders drain the blood from their victims to create this prized silk. The silk conducts magic almost as well as gems do, and has become an integral part of the Cervidaen culture since the alliance was established. The Arachnoids, in return, get some of the Cervidaens' finely crafted weapons and armour, supplies, and most importantly, peace.

Now, the Arachnoids are still not very accepted in society, even among the Cervidaen cities. Because of this aversion of the public to them, their Allure suffers a fair bit, but they do make up for it in their Agility and Courage.

Able to climb on non-slick surfaces and able to use their own webs to get around, they have some more mobility than most ground-bound races. They are also able to use their webs to contain enemies.

This isn't everything, but you'll have to stay tuned to get the full story in the in-depth post later!

Thanks for joining us for this quick look at the Arachnoids! We'll take a deep look at the Unicorns tomorrow and the skills a little later in the week. See ya then!

- Project Lead Spirit